What Are The Benefits Of Using Local Suppliers?

What Are The Benefits Of Using Local Suppliers?

With the current Covid-19 pandemic, we are seeing more and more businesses affected by the change of lifestyle and being forced to close down, some temporarily and plan to reopen, but also with some for good. Seeing the companies located around us shutting down is heart breaking to watch, especially since we’ve got to know a number of them on a personal level and seen the effort they’ve put in over the years. Due to the family like nature that My Fresh Box works, CEO Alex and the head chefs have managed to indulge in a personal relationship with the local suppliers, and use those located close by for all of our stock, varying from fruit and vegetables to meat like poultry and fish. Although it isn’t really classed as a “local-first policy” when it comes to purchasing goods, the location and how they treat the animals is also on the agenda when looking for new suppliers, as a number of our friends, family and clients are strongly against cruelty to animals, and intake in a number of different diets, including veganism and vegetarianism.

Why use local suppliers?

While the ability to buy things overseas continues to grow and constantly become easier and in a lot of industries cheaper, it is important to remember what it means to the local communities and your metaphorical neighbours.

The most obvious impact is that on the economy, both locally and nationally. If you were to start outsourcing your supplies and buying them from overseas, although you might save yourself some money, which would vary depending on what it is you’re purchasing, you’re essentially moving money from the UK’s economy and handing it over to this overseas nation, which without trying to get into an economy lesson, ultimately contributes to strengthening theirs at the expense of ours. Likewise, a similar concept is that if you change from using a local supplier to that of one in a different city who operates on a national scale, then it can impact your local economy and you’re essentially taking money out of your city and into the next. Continuing to use local suppliers can have a big boom to your local economy and those who live there.

A positive for using local suppliers from a business point of view is the standard of customer service you receive. When dealing with a national, popular service, you tend to get the standard customer service that’ll just treat you like one of the rest. This though doesn’t tend to be the case though when using local suppliers, as they treasure your custom and want to keep you happy. This usually means they’ll go above and behind to make sure your needs are met, to try and ensure you stay with them. Also allowing extra flexibility where possible, and making personal relationships more and more likely to be attained.

The environment can also see benefits through using local suppliers. A reduction in airline and shipping usage would help to pollution reduction through reduced emissions and energy usage, a worldwide issue that’s believed to be the biggest threat towards human life.