Meal Prep: Why it’s Definitely Worth it!

When it comes to meal prep companies, people who are considering the products always look at what’s being made and think “I can make that for half the price”, without considering a number of factors.
Convenience & Saving Time
The most obvious benefit of using meal prep companies is the convenience and the time saved. How much time do you think the average person spends a week slaving away in the kitchen at the chopping board and over the frying pan? In a recent survey conducted by us and online research, around 25 minutes is the amount that the average person spends a day in the kitchen cooking meals for themselves, which has included all sorts of diets and meals, such as things like beans on toast one day to a full roast the next. Compare that to the time it takes to whack one of our meals into the microwave, pour yourself a drink and wait for the Ping. It can make having tea a joy and not a stress, as well as leaving you with more spare time.
Save Money
There’re a few ways you can look at the money element, with several of them being in a positive manner. The first of them, is to look at the price of the ingredients used within the meals. Yes, you probably can make a similar dish for cheaper, but how much will it cost you for all of the spices and little additions that these top quality chefs add into it to help with the macros and the taste? Odds are as well, when you come to try and recreate a meal it won’t taste as nice, there’s just something about the way a chef does it which really brings out the taste! Another money element is that it saves you time. If you calculate what your times worth considering your hourly wage, buying a meal that takes 3 minutes in the microwave is worth a fortune over the course of a week! A third and final point for this is the amount of takeaways it stops you from getting. Linking into the aforementioned convenience element, how many times do you order a takeaway simply before you can’t be bothered to cook? Compare this to your standard Indian delivery for a curry and rice, and you’ll soon see how much you save, 7 of our meals is actually cheaper than 2 takeaway deliveries!
An obvious point here. Although the taste of the meals provided can alter depending on what you order and who from, most chefs can usually cook better than you an I, after all it is their full time job and what they get paid to do. Comparing the meals sent to you to the processed items available in the supermarkets meal deal, there’s a huge difference in quality, once again showing why it’s worth paying a couple extra quid and having a meal you enjoy instead of something ‘to just fill the hole’.
Weight Loss / Build Muscle
Again, another dependency on where you order the meals from. A lot of meal prep companies are designed specifically to aid with your physical goals and work alongside your active lifestyle, such as protein enhanced and low carbohydrates and calories, a bit like the meals we offer.
Helps a Balanced Diet
Similarly to the previous point, pre made meals will often be enhanced with additional amounts of vegetables and protein in it to meet your physical demands, making them more balanced than most of the meals you’d make yourself. These additional portions can help contribute to ensuring that your body is getting the correct amount of all the required macronutrients that you desire.
Helps with Food Variety
How often do you simply eat the same meals each day each week, such as a roast every Sunday, takeaway every Friday and maybe a pasta dish every Tuesday, alongside the same sandwich, packet of crisps and drink every day at lunchtime. Well with meal prep companies, you are often given a menu of what you’d like to order for the week, allowing you to customise your weekly diet and try new dishes whenever you please. Also, a lot of the better meal prep companies have dynamic menus, meaning they alter what’s on offer each week to ensure you don’t get bored and constantly choose the same meals week in week out.
Overall Points as to why Meal Prep is worth it;
Save Money
Save Time
Weight Loss / Build Muscle
Helps a Balanced Diet
Reduce Stress
Helps with Food Variety