George's Core Lessons Learned from Two Years in Business

George's Core Lessons Learned from Two Years in Business

As of last month, Benno Box has been in business for 2 years.

From our early beginnings in George's home kitchen to the birth and evolution of the Benno Box brand and the thousands of loyal clients - a lot has taken place in the last 2 years.

Out of these experiences, George shares 3 core insights that have been learned in growing the business. 

Whether you're a business owner, team leader, or just someone looking to improve themselves, these lessons are for you! 


If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

During the first two years of Benno Box, the business has grown from starting as a one-man band to now becoming a team of 10+ strong employees. It is the strong team that we've built that allows us to provide an amazing service to clients. 

As an entrepreneur starting with a single idea, it can be extremely hard to allow new people in with new ideas that may challenge your own. Bringing new people into the project allowed us to open new avenues and opportunities to grow the business. 

Finding a business partner who is just as passionate as you is a blessing; If you can find this you have hit the jackpot! 

Finding employees who want to represent your brand and spread the workload is essential when scaling your business.

Benno Box Team 2022


Too many people overthink and over analyse the whole process of starting a business before they've even started. 

Being paralysed by the unknown is a common experience many small business owners face. In my opinion, this idea also links to being a 'perfectionist'. If you are someone who considers yourself a perfectionist, you will struggle to keep up with the pace and uncertainty of running a business. 

Consistently good > Occasionally great

There is no perfect way to start a business! You will never know everything and most of the things you will learn come from failures.

Failures = Lessons = Growth

The solution for paralysis analysis is ACTION! Try new things, try things you are unsure of, take risks and learn on the job. 


As a business owner, it can become challenging to manage your own time and set your tasks. You don't get a manager telling you what to do, or a boss keeping you accountable for things e.g. arriving to work on time. You have to manage these things yourself. 

Within the process of your business growing, you must grow with it.

There will be challenges that force many owners to quit their businesses before they've truly started. If you are your best version of yourself, your business has its best chance of succeeding.

Investing in your mind & body will bring the best return on investment possible. Exercise, a healthy diet, enough sleep, positive friends and positive content intake all contribute to the success of you and your business. 

These are just a few of the many lessons learned through Benno Boxes' first two years in business.

Because of these lessons learned, our company is making a meaningful impact on our community, providing the best meal-prep service in Merseyside and continuing to improve!

From George and all of us at Benno Box, we thank you for your endless support, and look forward to the coming years together!