A Nice Catch Up With Facebook Competition Winner, Pauline

Massive congratulations to the winner of our Facebook competition, Pauline. After contacting her to speak of her triumph, she agreed to participate in a few questions with husband Norman to feature on our website.
Pauline has been ordering from My Fresh Box since the start of March, when a leg injury meant it was hard for her to cook and stand up for long periods of time. It was actually her youngest daughter that found My Fresh Box after looking on the internet and through reviews, finding that we provided balanced meals but without only focussing solely on losing weight or building muscle/high protein, something that she didn’t think would be a priority of her “Pensioner Parents”. In their spare time, Pauline and Norman both contribute to charity a lot, being founding members and members of the board of the National Blind Tenpin Bowling Association, also known in this community as the NBTBA. They are a registered charity that focus on allowing anyone blind or visually impaired to interact and socialise with others, something that doesn’t get enough attention and funding as other areas within sport. This charity are always looking for both donators and welcoming new members, so if you or someone you know would like to make a contribution or join a team, then visit their website attached above and see what they can do for you!
What’s Your Favourite My Fresh Box Dish?
“We both love the Chilli Con Carne. There’s just something about it that tastes so much better than what we can make. I think it’s that it’s got a tiny kick and a bit of spice to it, it’s lovely.”
How Have You Found the Service We Provide Away from the Food?
“Oh the service has been excellent. The delivery always comes at around the same time, so we know when to expect the delivery driver. If we’ve had any questions about the meals as well we’ve been able to ring up or message on social media and had an answer usually pretty much straight away which has helped us with ordering.”
What’s Your Favourite Thing About My Fresh Box?
“We honestly like everything about it, from the food to the people that work there, everything and everyone’s been lovely. Since I’ve started eating your meals as well we’ve both lost weight, about half a stone each, which is surprising because we’re not able to exercise like we used to. I’ve also noticed I’m not snacking as much as I used to be, which I’m guessing it’s down to the contents of the meals.”
Would you recommend My Fresh Box to a Friend?
“100%. I’ve enjoyed the food so much and it’s helped my life out so much that I’ve actually told a few people in our bowling charity about you as I think it could be a massive help for them as well. My grandson even ended up buying me some meals as a surprise for my birthday because he knows I love them that much”.
Is there anything you’d like to add regarding My Fresh Box?
“I’d just like to thank everyone, for both winning the competition and for the food you provide. Since hurting my leg I’m not able to stand up for long so being able to put your meals in the microwave has helped to feed us a lot. Within 10 minutes we both have a ready made meal and they taste brilliant. It also saves us having to go to Asda as well which is a massive burden now so thank you so much.”
It was lovely to catch up with Pauline and her husband following her competition win and get an extensive look into her life. The fact that our food service has benefitted their life has warmed the heart of everyone at My Fresh Box and has given us a massive sense of accomplishment, as after all, that’s what we were made for, and hopefully there’ll be many more stories like this to come.